Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Healy Method

Those of you who happen to not be Healys' are probably rather confused by this phrase... in fact, even those who are might be, as "The Healy Method" could refer to many things. From college applications (though thankfully we're done with those) to the idea that a vacation is simply not complete if traversing at least four counties in the span of a week is not on the itinerary (what's relaxation?), numerous things are included. In this case, however, it's about the packing. I learned how to pack from my dad many years ago. He taught me his boyscout ways, and I stand by them! This has its pros and cons. I am always very prepared for pretty much anything. As my field hockey friends can attest to, I'm like a walking Walmart- you need it, and I have 20. So when I received the SIT packing list (2 skirts, 1 dress, 2 blouses, 2 t-shirts... for FOUR months), I have to admit I was a little nervous. I spent weeks telling myself that, this time, I was not going to pack like a Healy. Ha, yeah right! After my suitcase was bursting with my tent, sleeping bag, gear for a Kilimanjaro climb (I plan on crossing that off my bucket list later this semester... we'll see how that goes), homestay gifts, and my own personal pharmacy, my parents informed me that I was not done yet. A headlamp, stylish neck wallet, 3 bottles of SPF 50+, multiple multi-tools, and more electronics than I even know how to use (among countless other "necessities") later, and I'm wheeling 62lbs of luggage out my garage door with complete certainty that I'm going to be in trouble with my program director, Baba Jack, before I even start classes. Moral of the story: once a Healy, always going to pack like one. Oh well. At least I'll be able to stay in touch with the family this time (I don't even want to talk about the goodbye. I miss them already...). And if anyone on the trip happens to be in need of a comforting lawn gnome, I've got them covered (Thanks Erin! =)).

Ten hours from now and I'll officially be in Africa! Better go try not to miss my flight...

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